Monday, March 16, 2009

today wat happen?

today woke up late. go to attend lecture without bath... smelly ya... haha... then go bk to change and get the information for the job interview. go to school print it out... hehe... then start my interview. hope can score well.... after tat, go bk to hostel and rest. suddenly receive invitation from xenon. wat? have dinner together? hehe... wat la u, i give u tat big parcel u tell me put at the hostel first? u know how hard i ask help from the ppl i dont close wit anot? haiyoo...

once in a blue moon, hehe... v go to same place again where it place near wit the night market. this time dont talk so many things wit him ady. no topics to tell as quite long no meet face to face ady. hehe... he shares his life to me this few week. insurans, the badminton incident, his dream gal. he even teach me how to chase gal... haha... i think i wont chase her de. during the whole conversation, wat i think is when to stop this? as i really no mood to chat wit him... y? i also dont know. maybe the topics not suitable.

v two do go to find the bread. hehe.., his lover said want to find bread to feed the fish. haha... watever la. then i have to go find the fren to get the big parcel and pass to him... haih... meet shaun at cafe. chat wit ryan and him... hehe... well, if xenon really develope relationship wit her then he must give strong persuation to me... her appearance.... haih. worse than any of my coursemates. sorry to say tat but its truth. im the guy who emphasize on appearance more than inner beauty.... sorry.

xin yi this brother really nice to me. he wants to belanja half of my lunch meal. hehe... i return the tie and the job advertisement that i promise to find for him lo... hehe... thanks ya.

midnight time go kacau shaun and christopher for 103 preparation... hehe...